
Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ph.D. Mining Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering--Rock Mechanics University of Science and Technology Beijing 2000
Ph.D. Civil Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering--Soil Mechanics The University of Alabama 2005

P.E. (Professional Engineer), OHIO
The University of Akron, OHIO

At CBU, I teach courses in 1) Geotechnical Engineering including Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering two courses, 2) Geomatics Engineering, 3) Materials Engineering and 4) a Construction Management course of Construction Law and Safety CON330 and 5) Elementary Mathematics for Engineering Applications Lab five (5) different subjects areas. Fall and Spring semesters courses are listed below. I apply FI5MI7LDV in all my courses' learning, teaching and instructions. FI5MI7LDV: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Interests, Imagination, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision.

本色视频FALL Semester Classes: Monday through Friday teaching every weekday.
1. EGR 181B Elementary Mathematics for Engineering Applications Lab, Monday
2. EGR 181F Elementary Mathematics for Engineering Applications Lab, Friday
3. EGR251A,B,C SURVEYING Tuesday Thursday 3 Hours Lab Lectures
4. EGR 251-A SURVEYING LAB Friday 3Hrs Lab
5. EGR 251-B SURVEYING LAB Wednesday 3Hrs Lab
6. EGR 251-C SURVEYING LAB Thursday 3Hrs Lab
7. EGR 353A,B Soil Mechanics Tuesday Thursday 3 Hours Lectures
8. EGR 353A Soil Mechanics Lab Monday 3Hrs Lab should be
9. EGR 353B Soil Mechanics Lab Tuesday 3Hrs Lab should be

本色视频SPRING Semester Classes: Monday (Department Meeting) through Friday teaching every weekday.
10. EGR354 A,B Foundation Engineering Tuesday Thursday 3 Hours Lectures
11. CON330 Construction Law and Safety Monday Wednesday Friday 3 Hours Lectures
12. EGR254 A,B Materials Engineering Tuesday Thursday 3 Hours Lectures should be
13. EGR254 A Materials Engineering Lab Wednesday 3Hrs Lab should be
14. EGR254 B Materials Engineering Lab Friday 3Hrs Lab should be

FROMAL COURSES TAUGHT AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST (Formerly Purdue University North Central and Purdue University Calumet) CAMPUSES
1. ENGR186 First Year Seminars for Engineers
2. ENGR190 Elementary Engineering Design and Lab
3. MSE20000 Materials Sciences
4. CE20100 Surveying and GIS
5. CE20100 Surveying and GIS Lab Section
6. CE23200 Engineering Geology
7. CE27100 Basic Mechanics I
8. ME27100 Basic Mechanics I – Statics
9. CE32300 Soil Engineering and Lab
10. ME33001 Structure & Property of Materials
11. CE342 Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulics
12. CE36700 Soil Mechanics II and Lab
13. CE43200 Surface Water Hydrology
14. CE48100 Foundation Engineering
15. ENGR49900 Soil Mechanics I and Lab
16. CE59701 Intermediate Soil Mechanics
17. CE/ME59701 Rock Mechanics
18. CE312 Fluid Mechanics
19. CE354 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
20. ME69800-001 Research MS Thesis Course
21. CE340 Geotechnical Engineering Lab (Offered and taught at The University of Alabama)
22. CE411/511 Rock Mechanics Laboratory (Offered and taught at The University of Alabama)
23. Soil Mechanics (Offered and taught at China Agricultural University, Beijing China)

FROMAL COURSES DEVELOPED AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST (Formerly Purdue University North Central and Purdue University Calumet)
24. CE41200 Groundwater Hydrology, Proposed and adopted by PNW
25. CE45501 Design of Earth Structures, Proposed, developed and adopted by PNW
26. CE45301 Engineering Rock Mechanics, Proposed, developed and adopted by PNW

Civil engineering with a focus mostly on 1) geotechnical engineering encompassing geomechanics and geotechnics (engineering geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics), soil engineering, rock engineering, soil improvement, geotechnical LRFD, foundation engineering, design of earth structures, geotechnical construction and geotechnical design. At CBU, I have taught courses in 1) Geotechnical Engineering including EGR353 Soil Mechanics and EGR354 Foundation Engineering, 2) a Geomatics Engineering course of EGR251 Surveying and Lab; 3) a Civil Engineering Materials focused MSE course of Materials Engineering and Lab EGR254; and 4) a Construction Management course of Construction Law and Safety CON330 and 5) Elementary Mathematics for Engineering Applications Lab.
0. MI3: "Teaching/Learning Soil Mechanics with Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration (MI3)", https://peer.asee.org/28930
1. I4MI5: Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impact
2. FI4MI5: Faith Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impact
3. I4MI5L: Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning.
4. I4MI5LD: Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery.
5. FI4MI5LDV: Faith Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Deo Volente. Hebrews 11.
6. FI4MI5LDV: Faithfulness Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision. EMail: FI4MI5LDV@gmail.com
7. IFI4MI5LDV: Inventive Faith Integrated Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision. EMail: IFI4MI5LDV@gmail.com
8. FI5MI5LDV: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Deo Volente. Hebrews 11. EMail: FI5MI5LDV@gmail.com
9.FI5MI7LDV: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Innovative Mnemonics, Interests, Imagination, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision, "Jiliang LI, FI5MI7LDV@Gmail.Com".
10.FI7MI5LDV: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Interesting Imaginary Innovative Mnemonics Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision, "Jiliang LI, FI7MI5LDV@Gmail.Com".
11.FI7MI5LDV2: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Interesting Imaginary Innovative Mnemonics Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision Deo Volente, "Jiliang LI, FI7MI5LDV2@Gmail.Com".
12. Development of a Wheel Loading Test Methodology Based on Terramechanics and Soil Mechanics Theories.
13. NSF Award #1919 726 MRI: Acquisition of an Advanced Three-dimensional Flow Measurement System (Co-PI: $363,760.00)

2014-2021 Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST
2001-2005 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA
2000-2001 Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, CHINA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY

RCCF, VCCF /1 Corinthians 3:6; Matthew 18:20 and 28:19-20
ASCE Rock Mechanics Committees.
ASCE RAM (Risk Assessment Management) Committee
ASCE Engineering Geology and Site Investigation Committees.
Editorial board member of Civil Engineering Journal and
Editorial review board member International Journal of Modern Engineering.
Editorial board member International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
International review board member of International Journal of Modern Engineering

Reviewer for the following journals and conferences:
Journal of Faith in the Academic Profession
Civil Engineering Journal;
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering;
ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation;
International Journal of Geological Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering;
International Journal of Physical Modeling in Geotechnics,
Applied Science Journals,
ASEE annual conferences;
ASCE GeoRisk 2017;
ASCE IFCEE 2009, 2018, 2020, 2021 etc.
Book reviewer for a CEngage Geotechnical Engineering textbook.

Jiliang (繼良 or 继良) literately means 本色视频(Continuously Bettering yoUrself) in Chinese which conveys many Chinese parents hope for their children). LI (李 family name) is married to a mechanical engineering professor and they have a son and a daughter. 良 also means better (or good) and kind (or kindness) in Chinese language as well. Dr. Li enjoys His family, music, walking, hiking, Tai Chi exercises, geotechnical & materials construction photography, reading and fellowship to grow better together.

When teaching ERG251 Surveying class, I tend to connect LI also to another Chinese character, 里. In Chinese, 里, LI, is a distance unit corresponding to 0.5 kilometer or 0.3 mile. In a Materials Science course MSE20000 and CE/ME33001 Structures & Properties of Materials I taught at Purdue University Northwest or EGR254 Materials Engineering at 本色视频, LI can also be related to 锂 wherein Lithium (锂) can be written as LI in material science chemistry. In a Soil Mechanics classes EGR353 that I teach, I tend to help students connect the names of Dr. LI to Relative Density (Dr=(emax-e)/(emax-emin) ) and Liquidity Index (LI = (w-wPL)/(wLL-wPL)) which are two other important Soil Mechanics property parameters taught in almost all soil mechanics courses. Dr (Relative Density) describes coarse-grained soils' relative density consistency state while LI (Liquidity Index) describes fine-grained soils consistency state. Soils can be classified into two broad categories, i,e, coarse-grained soils and fine-grained soils. So completely understanding Dr. LI, wherein Dr (Relative Density) and LI (Liquidity Index) is important to understand soil mechanics two big categories soils, i.e., Coarse and Fine soils, consistency state. Herein at CBU, serendipitously LI is also an acronym for Leadership Institute.

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away." Matthew 24:35, NKJV
“In the beginning?was the Word, and the?Word was?with God, and the Word was?God.?He was in the beginning with God.?All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.?In Him was life, and?the life was the light of men.?And?the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not?comprehend it.“ John 1: 1-5
"...For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding". Proverbs 2:6
"...Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them". Mark 11:24
"...And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose". Romans 8: 28
"... always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect". 1 Peter 3:15
"...Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight". Proverbs 3:5-6
"A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9 NKJV. In Chinese there is similar saying, "谋事在人,成事在天"
"We don't build trust by offering help. We build trust by ASKING for it ...." Simon Sinek
"We don't build trust by offering help. We build trust by PRAYING for it ...." Jiliang Li
"Every writing, every letter, every email, every text message, every communication, every breath, every Tai Chi form, every walk, every Word we speak and write is a prayer to get message across in one form or another" Jiliang Li
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," 2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV

“Do not remove the ancient landmark Which your fathers have set. Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men”. NKJV Proverbs 22: 28-29; And a survey order from Joshua 18, NKJV for EGR251 Surveying class which lays the necessary measurement foundation for later design, building, construction courses and real world building and construction projects.

“In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.” Psalm 102:25 for EGR353 Soil Mechanics which lays the foundation for the next sequential course EGR354 Soil and Foundation Engineering.

“I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” Luke 6:47-49 (Circa AD 60) for EGR354 Soil and Foundation Engineering

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty". Proverbs 21:5 for CON330 Construction Law and Safety Plan

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well". Psalm 139:14 for EGR254 Materials Engineering

FI7MI5LDV: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Innovative Imaginary Interesting Mnemonics, Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision, "Jiliang LI, FI7MI5LDV@Gmail.Com".
FI7MI5L(DV)2: Faith Integrated Inventive Instruction Improvement with Interesting Imaginary Innovative Mnemonics Intuition, Insight and Inspiration for Interdisciplinary Impactful Learning Discovery Vision Deo Volente, "Jiliang LI, FI7MI5LDV2@Gmail.Com".