Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ph.D. Educational Leadership University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2007
D.B.A. California Southern University 2020
M.B.A. International Business University of North Alabama 2016
M.P.A. Aviation Administration Southern Illinois University 1997
B.C.A. Aviation Management Delta State University 1994

Accredited Airport Executive through the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
Certified Aviation Manager through National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
Instrument-rated Private Pilot
Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor

Introduction to Aviation
Aviation Writing and Research
Issues in Aviation
Fixed Base Operations
Aviation Safety and Security
Safety Management Systems
Airport Management I
Airport Management II
Airport Planning and Design
Business Aviation Management
Airport Safety, Security, and Environmental
Airline Management
Aviation Finance
Aviation Management Capstone
Airport Consulting

Airport operations
Safety Management Systems
Specialized aviation accreditation
Online learning
University Aviation Association (UAA) Trustee
Member of National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Professional Development Program (PDP) Review Committee
Member of American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)

August 2006-May 2012, Associate Professor of Aerospace at Middle Tennessee State University

August 2009-present, Adjunct Instructor at Delta State University

January 2017-present, Adjunct Instructor, Utah Valley University

September 2017-present, Adjunct Instructor, Texas A&M - Central Texas

August 2011-December 2016, Trainer for the American Association of Airport Executives

Industry Publications
Prather, C. D. (2016) ACRP Synthesis 69: Airport Sustainability Practices – Drivers and Outcomes for Small Commercial and General Aviation (GA) Airports.
Prather, C. D. (2016). ACRP Synthesis 75: Airport Advisories at Non-Towered Airports.
Prather, C. D. (2015). Airport Management. Newcastle, WA: Aviation Supplies and ±¾É«ÊÓƵ.
Prather, C. D. (2013). ACRP Synthesis 41: Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports.
Prather, C. D. (2012). ACRP Synthesis 38: Expediting Aircraft Recovery at Airports.
Prather, C. D. (2011). ACRP Synthesis 26: Current Airport Inspection Practices Regarding FOD (Foreign Object Debris/Damage).
Prather, C D. (2011). ACRP Synthesis 27: Airport Self Inspection Practices.
Prather, C. D. (2009). ACRP Legal Research Digest 8: The Right to Self-Fuel.
Prather, C. D. (2009). General Aviation Marketing & Management: Operating, Marketing, and Managing an FBO (3rd ed.). Malabar, FL: Krieger.
Prather, C. D. (2006, February). White Paper: Distance Learning in Collegiate Aviation: A Supply & Demand Analysis.
Prather, C.D. (1998, April). AAAE Management Paper: Airport Internships: Combining Practical Experience and Formal Education for a Successful Airport Management Career.

Refereed Publications:
Prather, C.D. (2011). The utilization of social media by collegiate aviation faculty.
Prather, C.D. (2009). Student perceptions of effective college teachers. Collegiate Aviation Review, 27(2), 69-76.
Prather, C.D. (2009). Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international Part three – Level of awareness and perceived value. Collegiate Aviation Review, 27(1), 79-89.
Prather, C.D. (2008). Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international: Part two – Aviation students and industry employers. Collegiate Aviation Review, 26(2), 69-77.
Prather, C.D. (2008). Stakeholder perceptions of specialized accreditation by the aviation accreditation board international: Part one – Collegiate aviation administrators. Collegiate Aviation Review, 26(1), 91-110.
Prather, C.D. & Hawkins, J. C. (2007). The impacts of VLJs on Tennessee airports: A case study. Collegiate Aviation Review, 25(2), 38-51.
Prather, C.D. (2007). Distance Learning in Collegiate Aviation: A survey of the historical, theoretical, and contemporary aspects. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research, 17(1), 29-41.
Prather, C. D. (2007). Specialized accreditation in collegiate aviation: An analysis of the perceived value of specialized accreditation by the Aviation Accreditation Board International. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska, 2007). (ProQuest - AAT 3284113)
Prather, C. D. (2007). Experiential learning in collegiate aviation: The use and assessment of internships. Collegiate Aviation Review, 25(1), 73-90.
Prather, C.D. (2006). The Council on Aviation Accreditation: Part two-contemporary issues. Journal of Air Transportation, 11(3), 34-60.
Prather, C. D. (2006). The Council on Aviation Accreditation: Part one- Historical foundation. Journal of Air Transportation, 11(2), 156-177.
Prather, C. D. (2006, September). Distance learning in collegiate aviation: Meeting the needs of airport professionals. Collegiate Aviation Review, 24(1), 132-147.
Prather, C. D. (1999, October). Airport internships: Effectively structuring a departmental rotation internship. Collegiate Aviation Review, 53-73.
Prather, C. D. (1998, September). Post-secondary aviation education: Preparing students to manage airports of the 21st century. Collegiate Aviation Review, 40-61

Member of The Grove Community Church.

Reaching out to high schools and community organizations to share the great news about the nation's newest collegiate aviation program.

Spending time with family

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13