
Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ph.D. Public Health University of Alabama at Birmingham 2004
M.A. Education University of Alabama at Birmingham 1995
B.S. Education Samford University 1993

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Graduate School of Education, Harvard Institute for Higher Education, Certificate, Institute for Educational Management (2023)

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Graduate School of Education, Harvard Institute for Higher Education, Certificate, Management Development Program (2007)

Introduction to Allied Health Professions
Research Methods
Field Practicum

Health Behavior
Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality

Samford University
University of Alabama at Birmingham


Skelley Je, Luthin D, Wooley T, Berry J, Skelley Ja, Sands C, Lloyd A, Waddell A. (2013). American Diabetes Association Guideline Compliance in the Alabama School System. Practical Diabetology, 32(4), pp. 6-22.

Sands CDIV, Sands CDIII, Hensarling RW. (2012). Weight management and hypertension services in a rural public health clinic. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education; 2:115.

Hensarling RW, Sands CD. (2010). Comparison of video based lecture versus traditional lecture in a college health and fitness course. The Educational Collaborative, (1); http://www.theeducationalcollaborative.com/index.php/ec/article/view/11/pdf_7

Sands CD, Hensarling RW, Angel JB. (2009). Comparison of Health Related Measures of Two Groups of Adolescents in a Rural Southeastern County in the United States. Health Education Journal, 68(4), 273-283.

Angel JB, Sands CD. (2009). Should Cholesterol Screening Be Required for College Students? Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 29(2), 12-16.

Young SC, Sands CD, Jung AP. (2009). Effect of motivational music on work output of female college soccer players during a treadmill test. The International Journal of Fitness, 5(2).

Sands, C.D., Baker, D.E., & Angel, J.B. (2008). Relationship between body mass index and physical fitness in collegiate football players: A pilot study. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 28(2), 26-30.

Crane D.C., Hensarling, R.W., Jung, A.P., Sands, C.D. & Petrella, J.K. (2008). The effect of light color on muscular strength and power. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 106; 958-962.
Manget K.M. & Sands, C.D. (2008). Evaluation of a Faith-Based Healthy Lifestyle Program. The International Journal of Fitness, 4(2).

Sands, C. D., & Angel, J. B. (2007) Health-related fitness in rural Alabama. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 28(1);24-29.

Sands C.D., Jung A.P., Gonzalez E.H. (2007). A family-based intervention strategy for addressing childhood obesity in an at-risk population, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(5) Supplement; S191.

Smith E.D. & Sands, C. D. (2007). Sport and exercise science position statement. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Fall Conference of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, November 11-13, 2007.

Sparks, C. S. & Sands, C. D. (2006). Effectiveness of a 5-week dynamic and static stretching program in college students. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 27(1);15-19.

Sands, C. D. (2006). Benefits, barriers and facilitators of physical activity. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 26(2); 39-42.

Smith, L. H. & Sands, C. D. (2005). Physician Availability and Alabama鈥檚 Rural Health. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 27(1); 41-50.

Sands, C. D. (2004). Correlates of Child Body Mass Index: Insight Into A Growing Public Health Epidemic. The University of Alabama at Birmingham and The University of Alabama. Birmingham, Alabama.

Czech, D. R. & Sands, C. D. (2004). Activity Behavior Change for Physical Education Professionals. Journal of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 26(2); 68-75.

Everhart, B., Everhart, L., Sands, C., & Dunaway, D. (1998). The effects of combining a fitness emphasis during motor skill practice on third graders鈥 enjoyment of physical education lessons. The Physical Educator. Fall, (114-120).


SandsIV CD, Best AM, SandsIII CD, Ford F, Hensarling RW, Steil CF. Weight Management and Hypertension Services in a Rural Public Health Clinic. Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 14, 2009

Dale RB, Williams CN, Jung AP, Sands CD, Malone LA. Effect of Evaporative Cooling on Core Temperature in Wheelchair Rugby Players. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 16, 2008.

Young SC, Sands CD, Jung AP. Effect of Motivational Music on Work Output of Female College Soccer Players During a Treadmill Test. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 15, 2008.

Crane DK, Hensarling RW, Jung AP, Sands CD. Effect of Room Color on Muscular Strength and Power. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 15, 2008.


Sands CD. (2012). Preparing for Medical School. CollegeXPress. http://www.collegexpress.com/interests/health-medicine/articles/prepping-professional-school/preparing-medical-school/

Sands CD. (2011). Educate Yourself on Cardiovascular Disease. March LifeCare, pp. 24-25

Sands CD. (2011). Fuel for Athletes. In D. Christiansen, Legacy Baseball Players Notebook.

Sands CD. (2011, Spring Edition). Developing a 21st Century healthcare workforce. March LifeCare, pp. 26-27.

Sands CD. (2008, February 7). Ask The Expert. The Alabama Baptist, p. 8.

Sands CD. (2008, February 7). Our Need. Reflections on the Cross.

Sands CD. (March 2007). The Great Debate. Engage, 2(6).

Sands CD. (2007, February 21). Our Need. Reflections on the Cross.

Sands CD. (2004, September 2). F.I.T.T. principle provides guideline for proper exercise program, healthy lifestyle. The Alabama Baptist, p. 10.

Sands CD. (2004, August 26). Weight management begins with finding Body Mass Index. The Alabama Baptist, p. 8.

Sands CD. (2004, August 19). Proper percentage of lean muscle over fat regulates metabolism, fights disease. The Alabama Baptist, p. 12.

Sands CD. (2004, August 12). Improving body joint flexibility pivots on stretching muscles. The Alabama Baptist, p. 13.

Sands CD. (2004, August 5). Muscular strength important to good health. The Alabama Baptist, p. 17.

Sands CD. (2004, July 29). Endurance flows from a healthy heart. The Alabama Baptist, p. 8.

Sands CD. (2004, July 22). Activity vital to good health. The Alabama Baptist, p. 9.

Sands CD. (2004, July 15). Honoring God in exercise. The Alabama Baptist, p. 4.


Sands CD. (2011). Correlates of Body Mass Index in Children. Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrucken, Germany.

Sands CD. (2005). Health and Wellness at Samford. In L. B. Bateman, D. K. Basinger, & C. E. Stokes (Eds.), Samford University: First year in focus. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Czech, DR, Sands CD. (2001). Health behavior change. Supplement to: Angel, J. B. et al (1998). Concepts of fitness and health. Eddie Bauer Publishing: Dubuque, IA.


Sands CD, Gustafson JN. Developing and Delivering Globally Minded Educational Opportunities. International Conference on Education, Waikoloa, HI, January 3, 2024.

Sands CD, Gustafson JN. Creating Conditions for Success Around Research and Scholarship at a Teaching Institution. International Conference on Education, Waikoloa, HI, January 3, 2024.

Sands CD. Globally Minded at CBU. Jilin International Medical Conference Center Meeting, Jilin, China (presented via Zoom). April 12, 2023.

Gustafson JN, Sands CD. Collaborative Approaches to Doing and Teaching Leadership: Lessons from the 21st Century Classroom. International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 6, 2023.

Sands CD. Expanding the Vision, Mission, and Values of the Jilin International Medical Conference Center. Jilin International Medical Conference Center Meeting, Jilin, China (presented via Zoom). March 16, 2022.

Sands CDIV, Carothers L, Sands CDIII, Shu J. Update: Health Status of Taxi Drivers in Northeast China: A 10 Year Comparison. Consortium for Global Education Annual Meeting, September 25, 2020.

Sands CDIV, Carothers L, Sands CDIII, Shu J. Health Status of Taxi Drivers in Northeast China: A 10 Year Comparison. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 6, 2020.

Fletcher W, Boyer W, Sands CD. Relevant International Academic Experience for Undergraduate Health Science Students. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 4, 2020.

Sands CDIV, Carothers L, Sands CDIII, Shu J. Preliminary Investigation of Pre-Hypertension in Taxi Drivers in Jilin, China. 9th International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, Berkeley, CA, September 2019.

Sands CD. Global Health Engagement. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 7, 2015.

Sands CD, Skelley Je, Luthin D, Woolley T, Skelley Ja. Compliance with the American Diabetes Association Guidelines: A Survey of Alabama School Nurses. 4th International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, Vancouver, Canada, March 2014.

Wigginton M, Sands CD. Health Indicators of Obesity in American Indian/Alaskan Native Youth. 4th International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, Vancouver, Canada, March 2014.

SandsIV CD, SandsIII CD, Shu Jin. Western Strategic Management Principles Instituted in a Private Chinese Hospital. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 7, 2014.

Sands CD, Bateman JM. Designing, Creating and Developing a College of Allied Health. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 7, 2013.

Sands CDIV, Shu Jin, Carothers L, Sands CDIII. Health Status of Taxi Drivers in Jilin, China. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 7, 2012.

SandsIV CD, SandsIII CD, Best AM , Hensarling RW, Ford F. Weight Management and Hypertension Services in a Rural Public Health Clinic. The International Health, Wellness and Society Conference, Berkeley, CA, January 2011.

Sands CD. Applying the Health Education Code of Ethics to other Health Care Professions. Healthcare, Ethics, and Law Institute Annual Meeting, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, April 9, 2010.

Sands CD & Jin S. Health and Community Service 鈥 A CGE Initiative in North China. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Consortium for Global Education, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas, September 24, 2009.

Landers EB & Sands CD. Using Technology to Enhance Learning in the 21st Century. Presented to the faculty and staff of the Singapore Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore, May 14, 2009.

Landers EB & Sands CD. Using Technology to Enhance Learning in the 21st Century. Presented to the faculty and staff of the Taiwan Baptist Theological Seminary, Taipei, Taiwan, May 12, 2009.

Sands CD. Educating through medical clinics in China. Presented at the Consortium for Global Education Annual Meeting, Anderson, South Carolina, September 26, 2008.

Sands CD, Jiang TS, Angel JB, Dunaway DL. Height/Weight Differences of American and Chinese Children. Presented to 1st and 2nd year medical students at Bei Hua University, Jilin, China, April 26, 2007.

Malone LA, Sands CD. Physical Activity and Quality of Life. International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health. Atlanta, GA, April 2006.

Sands CD, Jiang TS, Angel JB, Dunaway DL. Fitness Levels of American and Chinese Children. Presented at the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, January 2006.

Angel JB, Sands CD. Innovative Teaching Methods in Adult Health Education. Presented at the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, January 2006.

Sands CD. Correlates of Child Body Mass Index: Insight Into A Growing Public Health Epidemic. Clinical Pharmacy Conference, Department of Medicine, Yanbian University, Yanji, China, August 3, 2005.

Sands CD, Angel JB, Dunaway DL, Ruble, SR & Czech DR. Fitness Levels of American and Chinese Children: A Proposed Collaborative Project. Presented at the 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, January 2004.

Angel JB & Sands CD. Problem Based Learning in Health Education Courses. Presented at the 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, January 2004.

Sands CD, Ruble SB, & Dunaway DL. Capstone Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Presented at the 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI, January 2004.

Sands CD. PubMed and Medline Searches on the Internet: A Basic Tutorial. Presented to Faculty and Staff of the Yanbian University Medical Center, Yanji, China, June 22, 2000.

Sands CD. PubMed and Medline Searches on the Internet: A Basic Tutorial. Presented to the College of Pharmacy Faculty, Yanbian School of the Medical Sciences, Yanji, China, June 21, 2000.

Sands CD. PubMed and Medline Searches on the Internet: A Basic Tutorial. Presented to Graduate Students at the Yanbian School of the Medical Sciences, Yanji, China, June 20, 2000.


Wigginton M, Barth, M, Gillum T, Sands CD. Assessment of physical activity and health indicators in American-Indian high school students. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 5, 2013.

Sands CD. Applying the Health Education Code of Ethics to other Health Care Professions. Healthcare, Ethics, and Law Institute Annual Meeting, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, April 9, 2010.

SandsIV CD, Best AM, SandsIII CD, Ford F, Hensarling RW, Steil CF. Weight Management and Hypertension Services in a Rural Public Health Clinic. Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 14, 2009.

Sands CD, Gentry HC, Jung AP. Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phase on Performance and Perceived Exertion during Aerobic and Anaerobic Activity. The American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2008.

Sands CD, DeVirgilis JN, Jung AP. Quality of Life and Spirituality Among College Students. The American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2008.

Dale RB, Williams CN, Jung AP, Sands CD, Malone LA. Effect of Evaporative Cooling on Core Temperature in Wheelchair Rugby Players. Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 16, 2008.

Young SC, Sands CD, Jung AP. Effect of Motivational Music on Work Output of Female College Soccer Players During a Treadmill Test. Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 15, 2008.

Crane DK, Hensarling RW, Jung AP, Sands CD. Effect of Room Color on Muscular Strength and Power. Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 15, 2008.

Sands CD, Jung AP, Gonzalez EH. Family Based Intervention to Combat Obesity. The American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2007.

Sands CD, Jung AP, Gonzalez EH. A Family-Based Intervention Strategy for Addressing Childhood Obesity in an At-Risk Population. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 2007.

Sands CD, Angel JB, Dunaway DL, Jiang TS. Fitness Levels of Chinese and American Children. SDAAHPERD Annual Convention, Chattanooga, TN, February 2007.

Sands CD, Hensarling RW, Dunaway DL, Angel JB. Health Related Fitness of Children in Rural Alabama. SDAAHPERD Annual Convention, Chattanooga, TN, February 2007.

Malone LA, Vogtle LK, Sands CD. Gender differences in quality of life changes related to physical activity. North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium. Ann Arbor, Michigan. October 13, 2006.

Dunaway DL, Ruble SB, Sands CD, Bryan CL, & Gold RR. Problem Based Learning: An Alternative to the Traditional Lecture. SDAAHPERD Annual Convention, Birmingham, Alabama, February 10, 2001.

Ruble SB & Sands CD. Career Trends in AAHPERD. SDAAHPERD Annual Convention Birmingham, Alabama, February 10, 2001.

Sands CD & Hamilton D. Life in the Real World. Presented at the SDAAHPERD Annual Convention, Birmingham, Alabama, February 9, 2001.

Everhart BW, Everhart L, Sands CD & Dunaway DL. The Effects of Combining a Fitness Emphasis During Motor Skill Practice on Third Graders鈥 Enjoyment of Physical Education Lessons. Presented at AAHPERD Southern District Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 1998.


Sands CD. Exercise is Medicine. Birmingham District Dietetic Association, Birmingham, Al, April 16, 2009.

Angel JB & Sands CD. Should Cholesterol Screening Be Required for College Students. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Orange Beach, Al, April 2008.

Sands CD. Exercise is Medicine. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 11, 2008.

Sands CD, Hensarling RW. Weight Management Services in Perry Count, Al. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Orange Beach, Al, April 19, 2008.

Sands CD, Cuenin ME, Jung AP. Health-Related Quality of Life and BMI in High School Students in Rural Alabama. Alabama Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, Al, April 9, 2008.

Sands CD. It May Be Common Sense, But It鈥檚 Not Common Practice. Alabama Pharmacy Association, Birmingham, Al, December 1, 2007.

Sands CD. Why Should I Be Physically Active? Alabama Pharmacy Association, Birmingham, Al, December 1, 2007.

Jackson AJ, Hensarling RW, Sands CD. Effectiveness of Video-Taped Lectures in Activity Classes. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2007.

Sands CD. What are Colleges and Universities Doing to Fight the Epidemic of Obesity? Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2006.

Dunaway DL, Hensarling RW, Sands CD. Practical Use of the Bod-Pod Body Composition Tracking System. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Gulf Shores, Al, April 2006.

Sands CD, Jiang TS, Angel JB, Dunaway DL. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Childhood Obesity Levels. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2005.

Malone LA, Sands CD. Measuring Quality of Life. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2005.

Sands CD, Angel JB, Dunaway DL. Physical Activity Levels of Chinese and American Children Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2004.

Malone LA, Sands CD. Quality of Life Measures of an Elderly Population. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2004.

Angel JA, Sands CD. Problem Based Learning in Health Education Courses. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 2004.

Sands CD. Benefits, Barriers and Facilitators of Physical Activity. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 18, 2003.

Sands CD. Health and Behavior: The Interaction of Behavioral, Biological, and Social Influences. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Gulf Shores, Al, April 2003.

Sands CD & Czech DR. Health Behavior Change: Combating the Sedentary Lifestyle. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Gulf Shores, Al, April 2003.

Czech DR, Ruble SB & Sands CD. Everything You Wanted To Know About Graduate School But Were Afraid To Ask. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Spring Conference, Gulf Shores, Al, April 2003.

Sands CD. The Childhood Obesity Epidemic. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 17, 2002.

Sands CD, Boyd D, & McCrory A. Career Options for Undergraduate Students. Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Fall Conference, Birmingham, Al, November 13, 2001.

Grove Community Church

Commissioner, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities鈥 Chief Academic Officers Commission
Board Member, Healthcare for Peace Foundation
Board Member, Jilin International Medical Conference Center
Member, Mayor鈥檚 Education Roundtable
Member, RUSD Superintendent鈥檚 Advisory Board
Leadership Riverside Class of 2012

Married to Jennifer Johnson Sands
4 Children: Amber Leigh (24), Megan (22), Abby (20), Charlie (17)
Enjoys: International Travel, Sports, Reading, and Running

"If it doesn't fit the purpose of your life, God doesn't want you doing it." Rick Warren

鈥淭rust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.鈥 Proverbs 3: 5-6, NASB

鈥淥ur calling is to educate our students for lives of responsible judgment and engagement in complex worlds of practice.鈥 W Sullivan/M Rosin: A New Agenda For Higher Education