Contact information for various offices at 本色视频is listed in the table below.
Campus Operator: 1-800-782-3382
Department Name | Phone Number | Email Address |
Academic Advising |
951-343-4567 |
Academic Affairs (Provost) |
951-343-4556 |
Accounts Payable |
951-552-8764 |
Activities and Recreational Sports |
951-343-4425 |
Alumni Relations |
951-343-5045 |
Aquatic Center |
951-343-4559 |
951-343-4422 |
Athletic Dept. |
951-343-4318 |
Athletic Trainer |
951-552-8512 |
Bookstore/Campus Store |
951-343-4259 |
Cafeteria/Food Service |
951-343-4244 |
Career Center |
951-343-5031 |
College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design |
951-552-8733 |
College of Arts and Sciences |
951-343-4363 |
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
951-343-4487 |
Gordon and Jill Bourns College of Engineering |
951-343-4972 |
College of Health Science |
951-343-4619 |
College of Nursing |
951-343-4700 |
Community Life |
(951) 343-4425 |
Conferences and Events |
951-343-4374 |
Counseling Center (not academic) |
951-343-5050 |
Dean of Spiritual Life |
951-343-5010 |
Dean of Students |
951-343-4671 |
Department of Aviation Science |
951-552-8800 |
Department of Communication Arts |
951-343-4964 |
Department of Public Health Sciences |
951-552-8535 |
Department of History and Government |
951-343-4757 |
Department of Kinesiology |
951-343-4528 |
Department of Modern Languages and Literature |
951-343-4590 |
Educational Effectiveness |
951-343-4507 |
Division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences |
951-343-4380 |
Dr. Bonnie G. Metcalf School of Education |
951-343-4448 |
Dr. Robert K. Jabs School of Business |
951-343-4329 |
Facilities & Planning Services Ops (Maintenance) |
951-343-4360 |
Finance and Administration |
951-343-4211 |
Financial Aid |
951-343-4236 |
Human Resources |
951-552-8655 |
Information Technology/HelpDesk |
951-343-4444 |
Institutional Research |
951-552-8637 |
Library (Annie Gabriel Library) |
951-343-4228 |
Marketing and Communication |
951-343-4474 |
Office of Student Care |
951-552-8100 |
Office of the University Registrar |
951-343-4566 |
Online and Professional Studies |
951-343-3900 |
Orientation |
951-343-4212 |
Payroll |
951-343-4916 |
Post, The (Mailroom) |
951-343-4203 |
President |
951-343-4210 |
Print & Copy Services |
951-343-4407 |
Public Safety (Safety Services) |
951-343-4311 |
Recreation Center |
951-552-8580 |
Residence Life |
951-552-8000 |
School of Christian Ministries |
951-343-4248 |
Shelby and Ferne Collinsworth School of Performing Arts |
951-343-4251 |
Spiritual Life |
951-343-5015 |
Student Accounts |
951-343-4371 |
Student Employment/Career Center |
951-343-5031 |
Student Services |
951-343-4217 |
Student Success |
951-343-4795 |
University Advancement |
951-552-8176 |
University Card Services |
951-552-8552 |
Wallace Theater |
951-343-4319 |
Wanda's Place |
951-343-4202 |
Website Support |